karuun® at first sight

The perfect first impression: a counter made of wood, stone and karuun® welcomes you at JaKo Baudenkmalpflege.

JaKo Baudenkmalpflege combines original and traditional craftsmanship with new, modern demands. The use of high-quality materials is a top priority for the restoration specialist. This becomes clear as soon as you enter the company headquarters in Rot an der Rot and see the bespoke reception desk made of karuun®.

karuun® black stripe in combination with rustic, old wood combines the best of two worlds: origin and innovation. On the stone base, three natural materials combine to create an impressive result.

Photos: Stefan Kuhn Photography

More about the Nature Tech Material used
karuun® stripe

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Our products

karuun® is leading a revolution in the material world. An energy-efficient process transforms the natural structure of the rattan palm into an inimitable high-tech material that is both sustainable and commercially profitable.

rattan veneer - karuun® stripe

karuun® stripe

The first rattan veneer – Ideal for use as a surface or postforming elements and for coating all types of substrates.

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3D Furnier - karuun® 3D

karuun® 3D

3D veneer for dimensionally-stable spherical objects from the size of a button to large, deep-drawn components.

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Transluzentes Material- karuun® shine

karuun® shine

A translucent material that is permeable to light and air, with exceptional stability, formability and feel.

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Blockware - karuun® block

karuun® block

Made from the trunk of the rattan palm karuun® block perfectly unite form and function.

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