karuun® 3D

Robust fibres transformed into stable spherical objects – predestined to replace artificial composite materials such as fibreglass.

Unprecedented three-dimensional formability made possible by precisely aligned longitudinal fibres and capillaries, and a robust, waterproof, 3D cellulose nonwoven fabric. Squeeze, pull and stretch – thanks its to organic dynamics, our 3D veneer can be flexibly adapted for custom applications. Not only does this reduce weight, it also makes karuun® 3D an excellent alternative to plastic and technical veneers.

With these technical properties karuun® 3D is a particularly exciting option in the field of green mobility and as a replacement for plastic.​

Order karuun® samples

Order one of our sample sets to find out which karuun® Nature Tech Material
is best suited for your project.

View sample sets

Product specifications

~ 0.8 mm
coated, prepolished

lengthwise: ~ 2,530 x 330 mm
crosswise: custom length x ~ 490 mm
custom sizes upon request

natura, black, red, blue stripe and custom

thick 3D cellulose nonwoven fabric

Discover the advantages of karuun® 3D


Reduce weight
The product has a density of +/- 400kg/m.


Three-dimensional formability
Comparable to deep drawing: fibre alignment in a multilayer structure for adjustable performance.


Replace plastics
Multi-layer structure and precise fibre alignment create a natural composite.

Discover the advantages of karuun® 3D


Reduce weight
The product has a density of +/- 400kg/m.


Three-dimensional formability
Comparable to deep drawing in that the process follows a similar set of rules. Adaptive performance based on fibre alignment.


Replace plastics
Multi-layer structure and precise fibre alignment create a natural composite.

Explore more cases with karuun® 3D:

Die unverwechselbare Inside-Out-Designstruktur verbindet sich innen und außen zu einem emotionalen Ganzen und wurde von mehreren Kreaturen aus dem Film „Avatar“ inspiriert. 
The distinctive inside-out design structure combines inside and outside into an emotional whole and was inspired by several creatures from the movie “Avatar”.

Mercedes Benz VISION AVTR

A visionary concept that rethinks e-mobility. This calls for a radically sustainable approach – this calls for karuun®.

Learn more about this case

The surfboard, reinvented

An organic plastic alternative shouldn’t just be fun for Mother Nature, right? Thank You, karuun® surfboard!

Learn more about this case

Bread bin N.O.S.W. made of karuun®

The karuun® bread box asks, ‘who wants to keep their bread in a plastic container anyway?’

Learn more about this case

Data and downloads

karuun® materials
Product brochure


karuun® 3D
Data sheet


karuun® render textures



Learn more about karuun® materials
on our FAQ page.

View FAQ

Our other karuun® materials:

rattan veneer - karuun® stripe

karuun® stripe

Ideal for use as a surface or postforming elements and for coating all types of substrates.

Learn more
veneer edge- karuun® edge

karuun® edge

Veneer edge for custom edge finishing – for a naturally sustainable and creative finish.

Learn more
Transluzentes Material- karuun® shine

karuun® shine

​A translucent material that is permeable to light and air, with exceptional stability, formability and feel.

Learn more