karuun® block

The world’s first blocks made from the trunk of the rattan palm – form and function in perfect harmony.​

Poles of rattan are painstakingly transformed into karuun® before being milled square and pressed into blocks with a uniform fibre structure. As a prefabricated, dry and solid material that doesn’t splinter or have any knots or uneven growth, karuun® block is ideally suited for all high-end applications requiring solid materials.​

karuun® block is fast becoming a popular choice, it stands out from other natural materials not least because of its structure, which doesn’t show any splintering, knots or uneven growth when processed.

Either with dyed capillaries or left natural, both the end and face grain are visually stunning and possess remarkable tactile qualities. When exposed by diagonal or free-form seams in the blocks, the capillary structure becomes a celebrated design artefact.

Our karuun® blocks can be processed with any cutting tools, making it ideal for woodworking in the premium wood industry as well as for furniture and interior design. Its special charm though, is its natural beauty which is accentuated when karuun® block is milled or turned at different angles.

Product specifications

~ 2,550 × 330-350 × 170 mm (L×B×H)
custom sizes on request

various qualities and colours available, untreated

Discover the advantages of karuun® block


No knots or uneven growth
karuun® block has a naturally uniform surface.


Milling and turning
Free-form transitions are enhanced by different angles.


No splintering
karuun® block can be processed and used without the risk of splinters.

Discover the advantages of karuun® block


No knots or uneven growth
karuun® block has a naturally uniform surface.


Milling and turning
Free-form transitions are enhanced by different angles.


No splintering
karuun® block can be processed and used without the risk of splinters.

Explore more cases with karuun® block:


elobau showroom

An entire company flying the banner of sustainability: elobau looks to karuun® to provide architectural highlights in the showroom.

Learn more about this case

Pleat by Caussa × RSW

Furniture and art installation – or: elegant places for books and more.

Learn more about this case
Bild_05_Kasper_wfh-desk v1

The WFH Desk

Home office, sweet home office: the working world is changing – and so is the WHF Desk!

Learn more about this case

Data and downloads

karuun® materials
Product brochure


karuun® block
Data sheet


karuun® render textures



Learn more about karuun® materials
on our FAQ page.

View FAQ

Our other karuun® materials:

rattan veneer - karuun® stripe

karuun® stripe

Ideal for use as a surface or postforming elements and for coating all types of substrates.

Learn more
3D Furnier - karuun® 3D

karuun® 3D

Dimensionally-stable spherical objects from the size of a button to large, deep-drawn components.

Learn more
Transluzentes Material- karuun® shine

karuun® shine

​A translucent material that is permeable to light and air, with exceptional stability, formability and feel.

Learn more