Reuleaux with karuun® – a piece of journeyman’s work with playful elegance and functional refinement

The unique column furniture “Reuleaux” by Noah Niggemeier is a true masterpiece that immediately catches the eye with its sculptural design and innovative function

„Reuleaux“ – Ein Gesellenstück mit karuun®

Noah Niggemeier’s column furniture, created in collaboration with the Dortmund carpentry freiformat, deservedly won first prize in the ‘Die Gute Form’ competition. The special arrangement of the body elements, based on the geometry of the Reuleaux triangle, makes them appear to float. The ingenious mechanism allows each element to rotate 360° – a real highlight that underlines the lightness and flexibility of the furniture. Particularly striking are the sliding doors in karuun® black stripe, which contrast with the colorful interior. These sliding doors give the furniture a delicate surface structure and emphasise the special shape of the elements.

The project once again demonstrates the fascinating possibilities of karuun®. “Reuleaux” is an inspiring example of how craftsmanship, innovative and sustainable materials can be combined to create a unique design object.

„Reuleaux“ – Ein Gesellenstück mit karuun®
„Reuleaux“ – Ein Gesellenstück mit karuun®
Photos: Léon Aicher & Emma Lydssan

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karuun® stripe

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