The combination of customisation and innovation is crucial today to meet the demands of the evolving automotive industry. By using sustainable materials like karuun®, suppliers can contribute to actively shaping the future of mobility.
Celine Griguhn is pursuing this approach in her Bachelor’s thesis. She is designing a component for a car interior, in which the sustainable and innovative Nature Tech Material karuun® stripe natura raw serves as a real alternative to plastic in the decoration. karuun® is characterized by a flawless and uniform surface. It is also ideal for integrating innovative and informative light sources, as the Nature Tech Material has translucent properties. Additionally, the very thin karuun® veneer allows for hidden sensor control integration.
This sustainable design takes into account economic, social, cultural, and environmental aspects, contributing to the long-term protection of the rainforest and the indigenous people of Indonesia. It encourages conscious consideration of sustainable design and its impact on people and the environment.
More about the Nature Tech Material used
karuun® stripe
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Our products
karuun® is leading a revolution in the material world. An energy-efficient process transforms the natural structure of the rattan palm into an inimitable high-tech material that is both sustainable and commercially profitable.
karuun® stripe
The first rattan veneer – Ideal for use as a surface or postforming elements and for coating all types of substrates.
karuun® 3D
3D veneer for dimensionally-stable spherical objects from the size of a button to large, deep-drawn components.
karuun® shine
A translucent material that is permeable to light and air, with exceptional stability, formability and feel.
karuun® block
Made from the trunk of the rattan palm karuun® block perfectly unite form and function.